"/share", async (request, reply) => { let { url } = request.body; console.log("\nSHARE"); console.log("original url:", url); if (url && typeof url == "string" && url != "") { let valid = isValidUrl(url); console.log("valid url:", valid); if (valid) { bot.checkUrl(url); // Set the cookies and visit url return reply.view("/templates/success.ejs", { message: "The admin will check your link ASAP. Thanks!" }); } else { return reply.view("/templates/success.ejs", { message: "Invalid URL! You are not a real Napoli fan 😡" }); } } return reply.code(400).type("text/html").view("/templates/error.ejs", { code: 400, message: "Missing parameters :(", }); });
fastify.setNotFoundHandler((request, reply) => { reply.code(404).type("text/html").view("/templates/error.ejs", { code: 404, message: "Page not found :(", }); }); }
from time import sleep import codecs print("You've inserted the key you found on the mysterious Laptop and you've been teleported to a place you don't know.") print('All you can see is an enormous door keeping a castle safe. You approach it and with a bit of fear proceed to open it.') print('In the middle of the hall you see a funny man, it seems the court jester, but still he scares you.') print("'SHISH, SHISH' is the only thing he says, and now you realize he is the first horseman, ready to stop you from reaching further in your mission.") print('The man walks towards you and tries to hit you multiple times! Avoid his punches!\n')
defshish(): exit("The funny man manages to hit you. You fall on the ground.\nYou don't remember anything. All you know now is a word...\nSHISH\n")
f = [ 'r3st', '4s_a', 'b3_c', 'm4tt', 'l3t_'] l = [ '4ll0', '30_1', '7t3_', 'jkin', 'p1ck'] a = [ '5_th', '3_4n', '1t_1', '00p5', '1n_1'] g = [ 'p1_7', '3_w0', 't0g3', '00_k', 'n0th'] s = [ 'ear5', 'k!1!', '1n6!', '33p5', 'rd_!'] counter = 0 indexes = []
defprint_flag(): flag = '' flag += f[indexes[0]] flag += l[indexes[1]] flag += a[indexes[2]] flag += g[indexes[3]] flag += s[indexes[4]] flag = 'upgs{' + flag + '}' flag = codecs.encode(flag, 'rot13') print(flag)
try: for t inrange(1, 6): print(f'''{t}...''') counter = t sleep(1) shish() finally: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: if counter == 4: print('\nYou dodged it\n') indexes.append(counter - 1) else: shish()
try: for t inrange(1, 6): print(f'''{t}...''') counter = t sleep(1) shish() finally: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: if counter == 2: print('\nYou dodged it\n') indexes.append(counter - 1) else: shish()
try: for t inrange(1, 6): print(f'''{t}...''') counter = t sleep(1) shish() finally: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: if counter == 1: print('\nYou dodged it\n') indexes.append(counter - 1) else: shish()
try: for t inrange(1, 6): print(f'''{t}...''') counter = t sleep(1) shish() finally: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: if counter == 2: print('\nYou dodged it\n') indexes.append(counter - 1) else: shish()
try: for t inrange(1, 6): print(f'''{t}...''') counter = t sleep(1) shish() finally: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: if counter == 5: print('\nYou dodged it\n') indexes.append(counter - 1) else: shish()
print('The man is tired, he just hands you a slip of paper, to open the next door.\nThis is what you read') print_flag() print("The man then says his last words...\n ''")
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #define tu int #define dimmi #define come #define mai #define kilometri #define melodia #define sus #define inutile #define inutilestimai #define qui #define seduto #define notti #define alla #define sento #define sogno #define pregando #define non #define scrivere #define ma #define casa #define vedere #define dove #define vai notti quotidiana inutile inutilestimai alla "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.:_-=/{}ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" sus notti guerra inutile inutilestimai alla "HDVIC8tq8}Es/{-}JOPJAHHJQ.=Y5rAHJWEtRgSc" sus tu stanza come notti finiscono mai qui sogno come tu i alla 0 sus i non pregando come quotidiana mai sus i scrivere mai qui ma come finiscono casa quotidiana inutile i inutilestimai mai qui melodia i sus seduto seduto melodia 0 sus seduto sento bambino come mai qui sogno come tu i alla 0 sus i non pregando come guerra mai sus i scrivere mai qui guerra inutile i inutilestimai alla quotidiana inutile come stanza come guerra inutile i inutilestimai mai vedere pregando come quotidiana mai dove i mai vai pregando come quotidiana mai inutilestimai sus seduto kilometri come "%s\n", guerra mai sus seduto tu dimmi come mai qui kilometri come "Kilometri di kilometri di kilometri di kilometri\n" mai sus bambino come mai sus melodia 0 sus seduto
大概可以通靈一下之後發現結尾的sus是分號,一開始定義charset的notti是char,然後緊接著的inutile inutilestimai alla 分別應該是[]=,再從sus和0的出現位置猜測有for迴圈,sogno come tu i alla 0是for(int i=0等等的,即可還原程式碼。 還原結果: (中間有改一些東西因為本來flag只會跑到一半qq)